Upcoming ClassesTaught online and recorded unless otherwise specified All / DEATH All ALCHEMY ANATOMY ART CARL JUNG CONSCIOUSNESS CREATIVITY DEATH DREAMS FILM FOLKLORE HISTORY HORROR IMAGINATION MAGIC MATRIARCHY MOVEMENT MYTHOLOGY PARANORMAL PSYCHEDELICS READING GROUPS SPIRITUALITY STORYTELLING TAROT TAXIDERMY WRITING Gilded Rot: Painting The Luster of Decay (A Vanitas Exploration) with Laura Spector, Artist-In-Residence McGovern Medical School, Begins June 16 from $175.00 Select ADMISSION OPTIONS GENERAL ADMISSION MEMBER ADMISSION Add To Cart Daemonic Doubles: The Twin, Shadow or Doppelgänger as Death and Inspiration, with Author J.M. Hamade, begins June 4 $77.00 Add To Cart Mythologies of the Underworld II: Indigenous American Cosmologies with Evans Lansing Smith, Ph.D, Begins April 23 from $175.00 Select ADMISSION OPTIONS GENERAL ADMISSION MEMBER ADMISSION Add To Cart A Starry Afterlife: Night Sky Explorations of Death and Resurrection with Author J.M. Hamade, Begins May 15 $160.00 Add To Cart Writing the Necropastoral: Generative Experiments in Occult Ecopoetics with Gabriela Denise Frank, Begins July 10 from $185.00 Select ADMISSION OPTIONS REGULAR ADMISSION MEMBER ADMISSION Add To Cart Memento Mori: The Art of Contemplating Death to Live a Better Life with Morbid Anatomy Founder and Creative Director Joanna Ebenstein, Begins April 17 from $165.00 Select ADMISSION OPTIONS GENERAL ADMISSION MEMBER ADMISSION Add To Cart IN PERSON · Victorian Hairwork Class with Master Jeweler Karen Bachmann on April 27 from $230.00 Select Option General Admission Members Admission Add To Cart Victorian Hairwork: Mourning, Memory Object, and Craft with Master Jeweler and Art Historian Karen Bachmann, Begins May 6 from $175.00 Select Option General Admission Members Admission Add To Cart Speak with the Dead: Understanding Cemetery Symbolism with Cemetery Expert Allison C. Meier, Begins May 8 from $125.00 Select ADMISSION OPTIONS GENERAL ADMISSION MEMBER ADMISSION Add To Cart Psychedelics, End of Life, and the Alchemy of Ego Dissolution with Psychotherapist Rich Tyo, begins September 22 from $130.00 Select ADMISSION OPTIONS GENERAL ADMISSION MEMBER ADMISSION Add To Cart Rest in Peace: The History of Funerary Monument with Art Historian Brenda Edgar, Beginning November 4 from $150.00 Select ADMISSION OPTIONS GENERAL ADMISSION MEMBER ADMISSION Add To Cart