Your donation enables Morbid Anatomy to keep our educational programming affordable,
offer free and low-cost lectures, commission and produce groundbreaking original content,
and maintain and operate a free public research library.
Our work would not be possible without your support and we could not be more grateful.
Morbid Anatomy is fiscally sponsored by Creative Visions, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that supports creative activists, those that use the arts and media to ignite social change.
$75,000 - Underwrite the Morbid Anatomy Library! This donation will allow us to reimagine, design, and build our new physical space, both as a vital, free research library, but also as a location activated for classes and community-building activities.
$200,000 - Underwrite our education program! Help us keep our rigorous yet accessible classes affordable while providing meaningful remuneration to our educators. Support us as we seek to introduce sliding-scale payment, scholarships, and free community enrichment, as well as expand outreach to grow our audience in size and diversity.
$50,000 - Underwrite our annual Congress! This popular event brings together both presenters and community members from around the world, with workshops, tours, lectures, and classes extending over three days at various locations.
We would be thrilled to discuss naming opportunities, additional underwriting ideas, legacy and bequest, or any other way you might like to support Morbid Anatomy. Please email Executive Director Megan Fitzpatrick at