Online Talk · Saint Valentine: The Patron Saint of... Epilepsy, with Eric Huang of Saint Podcast

Online Talk · Saint Valentine: The Patron Saint of... Epilepsy, with Eric Huang of Saint Podcast


7pm ET (NYC time)
Monday, February 10, 2025

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Saint Valentine presides over romantic love. His feast day marks a day and night in which couples around the world exchange flowers, chocolates, and other tokens of affection. Facebook statistics suggest something else is brewing beneath the candle-lit dinners—something darker. The two weeks immediately before and after Valentine's Day record the highest changes in relationship status from "dating" to "single." This irony perhaps makes sense when we look at the original hagiography of this martyr from Ancient Rome, which has nothing to do with love. Tonight, discover how an obscure patron saint of epilepsy, beekeeping, and the plague became a Christian Cupid.

Eric Huang studied palaeontology at university. Unfortunately, field work didn't live up to his Jurassic Park dreams. So he moved back home to LA for a stint as a tour guide at Universal Studios. Several soul-destroying roles in Hollywood later, he finally landed a job as secretary to the Creative Director of Disney Publishing Worldwide, inadvertently launching a career in books.

Since then, Eric has worked in book publishing on three continents. He's the creator and host of Saint Podcast, a historical exploration of saints' stories. He's the author of the upcoming fantasy series for children, Guardians of the New Moon, that reimagines East Asian legends. And he's a lecturer in the Masters in the Publishing program at City St George's, University of London

Eric lives in London with his boyfriend Brian and their cat McNulty.

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