PAST CLASS Working with The Shadow and Trickster in Dreamtime: Hug the Coyote, Have Tea with the Monster, and Respect the Baba Yaga: Online Course with Dreamworker Tristy Taylor, Begins September 9
Saturdays, September 9, 16, 23
2 - 4 pm ET
$100 Patreon Members / $125 General Admission
Please note: All classes will be recorded for those unable to attend
Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung felt that the ultimate nature and function of dreaming is to promote the basic evolutionary process of bringing consciousness and the unconscious into balance, creating wholeness and integration – a process he called “individuation.” When we work with our dreams to discover the hidden gifts our unconscious present to us every night, we can speed up and deepen the individuation process significantly. When we consciously work with the nightmares and “monsters” of our dreams, we are doing some of the richest work possible with our dreams, which translates to stunning transformations in waking life.
Our nightmare characters show up as manifestations of what Jung called the “Shadow,” which are the parts of our personality that are relegated to the darkness of our unconscious, because we refuse to own their power in our waking, conscious lives. One way the Shadow shows up is through the Trickster archetype, which appears in the stories, mythology, and fairy tales – and yes, dreams - of cultures around the world. However unpleasant the experience with the Trickster might be, they always force us out of our comfort zone into a new state of awareness and integration.
In this class, we will explore more deeply what Carl Jung meant by The Shadow, including revisiting some well known (and not so well-known) myths and fairy tales featuring Trickster characters. With this groundwork, we will then dive into the land of our personal nightmares, and unpack several powerful dreamwork tools that you can use tonight to befriend your Shadow selves, play with your inner Trickster, and hug your Monster, so you can receive the secret and sacred gifts they all have in their pockets, just waiting to be discovered.
Tristy Taylor is a Portland, Oregon-based dreamworker, teacher, ordained interfaith minister and animal communicator. Raised by world-renowned dream worker Jeremy Taylor—co-founder of the International Association for the Study of Dreams—and dream artist Kathryn Taylor, she has been working with her dreams from the very beginning. Before she could write, she was drawing and talking about her dreams at the breakfast table, and therefore grew up with a deep connection and an ever-deepening wisdom in how the dream world works. She has been leading dream groups since she was 15-years old, and over the last three decades, she has grown her own dream work offerings to include art making and ritual as guided by the dream world, as well as opening the rich secrets of nightmare imagery. She has a Masters of Art & Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University, and she is currently adjunct faculty at the Chaplaincy Institute for Interfaith Ministry, where she teaches Dreamwork, Ritual Crafting, and Being with Death and Dying. She sees clients one-on-one and also facilitates online dream workshops every season. Find out more about her work and sign up for her newsletter at
Saturdays, September 9, 16, 23
2 - 4 pm ET
$100 Patreon Members / $125 General Admission
Please note: All classes will be recorded for those unable to attend
Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung felt that the ultimate nature and function of dreaming is to promote the basic evolutionary process of bringing consciousness and the unconscious into balance, creating wholeness and integration – a process he called “individuation.” When we work with our dreams to discover the hidden gifts our unconscious present to us every night, we can speed up and deepen the individuation process significantly. When we consciously work with the nightmares and “monsters” of our dreams, we are doing some of the richest work possible with our dreams, which translates to stunning transformations in waking life.
Our nightmare characters show up as manifestations of what Jung called the “Shadow,” which are the parts of our personality that are relegated to the darkness of our unconscious, because we refuse to own their power in our waking, conscious lives. One way the Shadow shows up is through the Trickster archetype, which appears in the stories, mythology, and fairy tales – and yes, dreams - of cultures around the world. However unpleasant the experience with the Trickster might be, they always force us out of our comfort zone into a new state of awareness and integration.
In this class, we will explore more deeply what Carl Jung meant by The Shadow, including revisiting some well known (and not so well-known) myths and fairy tales featuring Trickster characters. With this groundwork, we will then dive into the land of our personal nightmares, and unpack several powerful dreamwork tools that you can use tonight to befriend your Shadow selves, play with your inner Trickster, and hug your Monster, so you can receive the secret and sacred gifts they all have in their pockets, just waiting to be discovered.
Tristy Taylor is a Portland, Oregon-based dreamworker, teacher, ordained interfaith minister and animal communicator. Raised by world-renowned dream worker Jeremy Taylor—co-founder of the International Association for the Study of Dreams—and dream artist Kathryn Taylor, she has been working with her dreams from the very beginning. Before she could write, she was drawing and talking about her dreams at the breakfast table, and therefore grew up with a deep connection and an ever-deepening wisdom in how the dream world works. She has been leading dream groups since she was 15-years old, and over the last three decades, she has grown her own dream work offerings to include art making and ritual as guided by the dream world, as well as opening the rich secrets of nightmare imagery. She has a Masters of Art & Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University, and she is currently adjunct faculty at the Chaplaincy Institute for Interfaith Ministry, where she teaches Dreamwork, Ritual Crafting, and Being with Death and Dying. She sees clients one-on-one and also facilitates online dream workshops every season. Find out more about her work and sign up for her newsletter at
Saturdays, September 9, 16, 23
2 - 4 pm ET
$100 Patreon Members / $125 General Admission
Please note: All classes will be recorded for those unable to attend
Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung felt that the ultimate nature and function of dreaming is to promote the basic evolutionary process of bringing consciousness and the unconscious into balance, creating wholeness and integration – a process he called “individuation.” When we work with our dreams to discover the hidden gifts our unconscious present to us every night, we can speed up and deepen the individuation process significantly. When we consciously work with the nightmares and “monsters” of our dreams, we are doing some of the richest work possible with our dreams, which translates to stunning transformations in waking life.
Our nightmare characters show up as manifestations of what Jung called the “Shadow,” which are the parts of our personality that are relegated to the darkness of our unconscious, because we refuse to own their power in our waking, conscious lives. One way the Shadow shows up is through the Trickster archetype, which appears in the stories, mythology, and fairy tales – and yes, dreams - of cultures around the world. However unpleasant the experience with the Trickster might be, they always force us out of our comfort zone into a new state of awareness and integration.
In this class, we will explore more deeply what Carl Jung meant by The Shadow, including revisiting some well known (and not so well-known) myths and fairy tales featuring Trickster characters. With this groundwork, we will then dive into the land of our personal nightmares, and unpack several powerful dreamwork tools that you can use tonight to befriend your Shadow selves, play with your inner Trickster, and hug your Monster, so you can receive the secret and sacred gifts they all have in their pockets, just waiting to be discovered.
Tristy Taylor is a Portland, Oregon-based dreamworker, teacher, ordained interfaith minister and animal communicator. Raised by world-renowned dream worker Jeremy Taylor—co-founder of the International Association for the Study of Dreams—and dream artist Kathryn Taylor, she has been working with her dreams from the very beginning. Before she could write, she was drawing and talking about her dreams at the breakfast table, and therefore grew up with a deep connection and an ever-deepening wisdom in how the dream world works. She has been leading dream groups since she was 15-years old, and over the last three decades, she has grown her own dream work offerings to include art making and ritual as guided by the dream world, as well as opening the rich secrets of nightmare imagery. She has a Masters of Art & Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University, and she is currently adjunct faculty at the Chaplaincy Institute for Interfaith Ministry, where she teaches Dreamwork, Ritual Crafting, and Being with Death and Dying. She sees clients one-on-one and also facilitates online dream workshops every season. Find out more about her work and sign up for her newsletter at