"Untitled (Civil War Veteran)", Original Painting by Chris Crites
This original painting by Chris Crites consists of acrylic on paper bag. Completed in 2011.
The piece measures 10 inches high by 7 inches wides
Chris Crites is a Seattle, Washington based artist, collector and curator. Painting his first mug shots on paper bag in 1999, he has continued to develop and refine his limited palette style. His work has been shown and is in collections across the United States and Europe.
Please note: Shipping fee includes packaging and handling costs
This original painting by Chris Crites consists of acrylic on paper bag. Completed in 2011.
The piece measures 10 inches high by 7 inches wides
Chris Crites is a Seattle, Washington based artist, collector and curator. Painting his first mug shots on paper bag in 1999, he has continued to develop and refine his limited palette style. His work has been shown and is in collections across the United States and Europe.
Please note: Shipping fee includes packaging and handling costs
This original painting by Chris Crites consists of acrylic on paper bag. Completed in 2011.
The piece measures 10 inches high by 7 inches wides
Chris Crites is a Seattle, Washington based artist, collector and curator. Painting his first mug shots on paper bag in 1999, he has continued to develop and refine his limited palette style. His work has been shown and is in collections across the United States and Europe.
Please note: Shipping fee includes packaging and handling costs