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Online Talk · "A Smile that Makes Forever:” A Memento Mori of Teeth with Devon Deimler, PhD

With each gnash, smile, or showing of teeth, the human skeleton peeks through. This illustrated talk plays with the poetics and phenomenology of teeth via their appearances in science, art, myth, dental objects, dreams, pop culture, and cinema. We will consider the psychological range, cultural conditionings, and aesthetic practices surrounding teeth, from the multileveled demand for teeth whitening, to mores against open-mouthed beaming, to archetypes of sardonic revenge and full-blown Cheshire grins. We will contemplate the setting of teeth in the same mouth-world that speaks and digests, and how the lips (with the eyes and other agents) shape a wide variety of existential messages and moods. All along, we will entertain toothsome smiles as biting, ready-made memento mori and flashes of n/evermore in the everyday. Smile!

May 18

Visit The Morbid Anatomy Library and Gift Shop in Brooklyn, New York

May 24

Visit The Morbid Anatomy Library and Gift Shop in Brooklyn, New York