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Online Event · The Return of Persephone: Spring Equinox Workshop with Alicia King Anderson, Ph.D.

This Spring Equinox, join us for a special event designed to cultivate community and plant the seeds of intention through meditations, poetry, and a creative project. Using the myth of Persephone—Ancient Greek Queen of the dead—and her return from the underworld as our guide, we will begin with a grounding underworld meditation exploring the relationship between death and new growth. We will meet Hecate—the goddess associated with magic, witchcraft, and crossroads—who guides Persephone between the realms of the dead and the living. We will be introduced to Persephone’s mother Demeter—goddess of fertility and the harvest—and her jovial guest Baubo, whose jokes will usher in the springtime’s flowering. Finally, we will learn along with Triptolemus—patron of agriculture—to plant seeds and prepare for the seasons. 

March 22

CLOSED TODAY The Morbid Anatomy Library and Gift Shop in Brooklyn, New York

March 23

Online · Guided Death Meditation with Eastern-Trained Meditation Teacher and End of Life Doula Bryan Melillo