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Free Online Member Event · Morbid Anatomy Book Club: Frederic Morton’s “A Nervous Splendor: Vienna 1888–1889”

FREE to Morbid Anatomy Patreon Members at the Memento Mori ($5/month) and above levels. Eligible members will get an invitation in their Patreon inbox. Become a member here.

Join Morbid Anatomy Founder and Creative Director Joanna Ebenstein to discuss one of her favorite books: A Nervous Splendor: Vienna 1888-1889, a cultural history focusing on two years in the life of Vienna, a city “given over to the dramaturgy of death.” The book—by Austrian Jewish writer Frederic Morton—traces the lives Gustav Klimt, Sigmund Freud, Arthur Schnitzler and others  as they respond to the mood and movement of their city. The story moves to the drumbeat of ornate suicides reported on with relish by the local papers, culminating in the mysterious death of Vienna’s beloved Prince Rudolph . The book ends with an intimation of more deaths yet to come with the introduction of a baby named Adolf, born just after the prince’s body is interred in his family’s imperial crypt.

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Free Online Member Event · Talking Death Meetup with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein

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Free Online Talk · To The Hilt: A Sword Swallower’s History of Sword Swallowing with Historian Marc Hartzman and Sword Swallower Dan Meyer