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Free Online Talk · Rewriting the Psyche and Eros Story for Modern Lovers, with Alicia King Anderson, Ph.D.

The Ancient Greek word “Mythos” refers to stories shared via an oral tradition. Like folklore, the value of mythos, or what we now call mythology, is that it can be changed, updated, and made relevant to current events, current ways of thinking, and the needs of the living moment. As we consider Valentine’s Day in the midst of women leaving dating apps in droves, the 4B movement in Korea, and the rise of loneliness among men, it seems like a great time to revisit the story of Psyche and Eros. In this lecture, we will explore the text of Psyche and Eros, and its position within Apuleius’s novel, The Golden Ass. The emotional truth of the story, and its continued usefulness in the modern world will be brought to light, and then we will discuss how we might reimagine the story in new ways.

February 16

Online · Guided Death Meditation with Eastern-Trained Meditation Teacher and End of Life Doula Bryan Melillo

February 18

Free Online Talk · Witches & Their Poisons: A History of Flying Ointment, with Author and Occultist Melissa Madara