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Online Talk · The Stone Tape Theory and the Sonic Uncanny with Author Leila Taylor

The recorded voice is inherently spectral, the disembodied trace of a person detached from time and space and the evidence of the departed are usually auditory. So how do you capture the voices of the dead, how do you make permanent and physical something that is by nature incorporeal? What do ghosts sound like? From a haunted electronics lab in a 1972 BBC made for tv movie to the Gold Room at The Overlook Hotel; from a 19th century theory of “place memory” to Discovery channel ghost hunters, this talk, by Leila Taylor—author of Sick Houses: Haunted Homes and the Architecture of Dread—explores the spectral sonic and our desire to document the voices of the dead.

March 31

Free Online Talk · To The Hilt: A Sword Swallower’s History of Sword Swallowing with Historian Marc Hartzman and Sword Swallower Dan Meyer

April 14

Online Talk · Unbelievable: Investigations into Ghosts, Poltergeists, Telepathy, and Other Unseen Phenomena, from the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory with Author Stacy Horn