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Free Online Talk · Stage 4 Cancer and My Night Sea Journey To Wellness with Myth & Religion Scholar Amy Slonaker, JD, PhD

Tonight’s speaker was given two years to live in 2017 after a Stage 4, metastatic cancer diagnosis from her doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Her story of ongoing healing from cancer was retold in Joanna Ebenstein's book Memento Mori, where it provided an example of how confrontation with death can lead to a better life. In this illustrated talk, Slonaker will explain how her doctoral study of mythology and archetypes—along with her deep engagement with Jungian analysis—allowed her to heal long-term wounds at the soul-level which allowed her body to fight back against cancer. She will also demonstrate how archetypal narratives—especially that of the "The Night Sea Journey"—can provide us with pathway for understanding and metabolizing serious illness, and show how a variety of world myths demonstrate how a serious confrontation with death can be the beginning of a better life.

June 26

Online · Reiki for Relaxation, Release, and Community: A Monthly Practice with Reiki Master and Psychotherapist Mikella Millen

July 21

Free Online Talk · That Very Witch: Fear, Feminism, and the American Witch Film with Author Payton McCarty-Simas