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Online Talk · Remember You Must Die, Might As Well Talk About It, with Professor of Communication Jillian A. Tullis, PhD

Yapper? Gift of gab? Talk a blue streak? Ever clear a room or change the vibe with an obscure death fact? Do you like to talk, even about topics like dying and death and wonder why no one else around you are so squeamish? Maybe talking about dying or death, even briefly, makes your heart race or your stomach churn. This talk will focus on talk about dying and death and explain some of the reasons for our strong reactions to the end of life. In addition to exploring theories, this session will also offer some practical tips for making THE talk easier.

May 4

Visit The Morbid Anatomy Library and Gift Shop in Brooklyn, New York

May 10

Visit The Morbid Anatomy Library and Gift Shop in Brooklyn, New York (Copy)