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Free Online Talk · Unbelievable: Investigations into Ghosts, Poltergeists, Telepathy, and Other Unseen Phenomena, from the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory with Author Stacy Horn

The scientific community has always been disdainful of accounts of the paranormal, but there was a moment when science discovered a kaleidoscope of invisible forces, waves, and particles underneath a now thinner veil of reality. In this brief window of opportunity, Duke University opened the Parapsychology Laboratory. In his time, J. B. Rhine, its founder, was the Einstein of the paranormal, who wished to scientifically demonstrate that life and all the feelings that go with it survive death. When Stacy Horn visited North Carolina to research the lab's work, she knew that no one has definitely proven that there is life after death, but Rhine and his colleagues conducted lots of experiments over the years. What if one of them worked? What she discovered, among many other things, is that one of them did. This talk will tell the story of this fascinating lab, its experiments and its findings.

April 13

Free Online Member Event · Sunday Night Movie The Golem: How He Came into the World (1920)

April 15

Free Online Member Event · Collection Show and Tell, Cocktail Party, and Meet-and-Greet