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Online Talk · Furry Mounds: The History of the Merkin with Art Historian Karen Bachmann

$8 - Tickets and more info HERE

Humans obsession with hair goes back millennia. This applies to both our heads and our more private areas. From the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, and Rome to the Renaissance to modern times, we have had a love/hate relationship with pubic hair. To shave or not to shave? That is the question. Tonight’s lecture will explore the origins and use of the merkin, or pubic hair wig, in all its furry splendor and various iterations. Whether it be to look younger, healthier (cover venereal disease scars anyone?), or be sexually alluring (ever hear of vajazzling?), there is a merkin style available! So if you ever wanted to know why we refer to a woman’s pubic mound as a beaver, please join!

May 19

Free In-Person Event · Visit the Morbid Anatomy Library and Gift Shop in Brooklyn, New York

May 27

Online Talk · Dead Man Standing and Other Victorian Mourning Myths, with Chris Woodyard, Author of "A is For Arsenic, The ABC of Victorian Death"