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Muerte y Mezcal: A Special Field Trip to Oaxaca for Day of the Dead with Visits to Sites Relevant to the Cultural History of Death in Mexico

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This Day of the Dead, join us for a very special 6-day, 5-night trip to Mexico for our favorite holiday. We will visit the mystical city of Oaxaca, a multicultural locale renowned for its ancient traditions, vibrant art venues, and amazingly rich cuisine. Led by Salvador Olguín, a Mexican writer and scholar with a focus on hte visual culture of death in Mexico, we will enjoy local cuisine washed down with plenty of mezcal; experience the Alumbrada, the night when people light the most candles on their family tombstones and graves; visit the Unesco World Heritage Site archeological sites of Monte Alban and the city center of Oaxaca; learn about Zapotec and Mixtec funerary customs; and more.

October 28

Online Talk · This Is Halloween: The Evolution of a Pagan Day of the Dead into a Commercial Holiday of Tricks and Treats, with Eric Huang of Saint Podcast

November 2

Free In-Person Event · Visit the Morbid Anatomy Library and Gift Shop in Brooklyn, New York