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Free Online Member Event · Sunday Night Movie Orson Welles’ “Lady from Shanghai” (1947): Screening and Discussion, with Host Michael Moore

FREE to Morbid Anatomy Patreon members at Oracle & Joanna’s Psychopomp Salon ($15/mo) and above levels. Eligible members will receive a viewing link in their Patreon inbox on the day of the event. Become a member HERE.

Orson Welles’ Lady from Shanghai (1947) is most celebrated for its stunning shootout in a carnival Hall of Mirrors. But, in the words of one film critic, “every line of dialogue, every image, and the set up of every shot is calculatingly loaded for maximum impact. . . . Every frame, every sound, every pore of this picture is oozing with danger.” Accompanying cocktail? Why, the Shanghai Cocktail, of course: 1 2/3 oz light rum, 1 tsp grenadine, ½ oz anisette, ½ oz lemon juice; Shake vigorously with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, garnish with lemon wedge.