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Right before WWI, artist and occultist Grant Wallace (1868–1954) began experimenting with telepathy, or what he referred to as "mental radio.” Over the next two decades, he channeled his visions and messages into elaborate portraits, texts, and complex diagrams and calculations. Through his work, he endeavored to prove reincarnation, extraterrestrial life, and the coexistence of the living with the dead.
This symposium will explore the life, work, and cultural milieu of this enigmatic creator, featuring presentations by curator and gallerist Frank Maresca; writer, critic, and artist Lucy Sante, author of Low Life; Matt Berger, great-grandson of Grant Wallace; Art Historian Susan Aberth, author of Not Without My Ghosts; Robert Cozzolino, curator of Supernatural America: The Paranormal in American Art; and practicing medium Tiffany Hopkins, who will lead us on a guided meditation allowing us to engage in some artistic channeling of our own.