Katie Croft is a multi-media artist, art educator, and a candidate for her MPS in Creative Art Therapy from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn in 2022. Her current research is focused on clay and its ability to respond to the maker, offering bio feedback and acting as a stand in for the body. Her current work explores this idea with intuitive ceramic sculpture and offers a nod of respect to the first female abstract painters who practiced as spiritualists and mystics. Katie has had her work exhibited at SuperDutchess Gallery, NY; New York Academy of Art, NY; San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA, and Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, IL as an AXA Art Prize Finalist. Her work was included in the 2020 New American Paintings, No. 147, and the inaugural issue of AllSheMakes contemporary art and culture magazine curated by ArtGirlRising. Her work is currently being exhibited at Winston Wachter Fine Art Gallery in New York; Odyssey Gallery in Asheville, NC; and at RiseArt, London.


Learn the Art of Crafting Clay and Make Your Own Reliquary
The Feminine and the Clay Figure: An Experimental Archeology Salon