Alexander Cummins, PhD is professional diviner, consultant sorcerer, and geomancer with over a decade of personal and professional experience in geomantic divination and remediation, spirit conjuration, spell-work, and talisman-craft. He can be found at his website, where he can be booked for talks, readings, and private coaching.


Cunning Conjurations: Spirit-Callingio in English Folk Magic
Everyday Planetary Magic: A Seven-Part Series on Simple Star Sorcery and Spellcraft
Geomancy Is Everywhere! A Modular Four-Part Series on Geomantic Divination
Necromancy: History and Practice
Poetics of Practical Planetary Magic: From Stories to Sorceries with Historian of Magic
Ravens in Magic, Witchcraft, and Folklore
Sorcery for Tattoos
The Angelical Speech: Enochian As Ritual Language
The Libraries of the Sorcerers: A Guided Tour of Grimoire Magic
The Occulted Anatomy: Magic, Medicine, and the Body in Pre-Modern Europe
The Points of the Earth: The Oracle of Renaissance Geomancy
Treasures of the Sorcerers: A Guided Tour of Ritual Tools & Magic Objects